The Dark Side of Nothing

My Life as it spills out onto the screen.

Three Great Movies I Saw Today

  Howdy All – Just a quick post today before I dive into the World of Warcraft for a quick hour before bed. I shouldn’t even be doing that as I’ve been know to get lost in WoW and still be playing the next morning. I’ve got church tomorrow and I don’t want to miss it because I got “lost” in WoW, would I do that?!?
  This afternoon and evening was spent watching 3 movies that I really liked. The first was “Twilight”. I’ve read part of the book and I felt it followed the book really well for the first 30 minutes. Now I want to finish the book even more to see how well the rest of the movie follows or deviates from the book.
  The second movie was “Passengers”. I also enjoyed this movie but I sort of had an idea of what was going towards the end of the movie, but it still had a twist that surprised me.
  Lastly the third movie was “Seven Pounds” starring Will Smith. This one was excellent and I recommend it if you are out and about and end up deciding on visiting the theater to take a break from the shopping ( I was also going to say crowds but sometime the movie theater is just as crowded as the mall.). I will say that it will probably make you cry in some spots. But you can always fall back on the “there’s something in my eye” for you more butch fellows out there.
  Hope you all are having a great holiday season and that the crowds are not driving you crazy. Have a great day tomorrow!

December 21, 2008 Posted by | Church, General, Movies, World of Warcraft | , , , , | 2 Comments